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Sunday, February 21, 2016

First Cook-Out of the Season

Yesterday the temperature reach 75ยบ, so Things 2 and 3 ran to the grocery for provisions, pulled the grill out of storage, and grilled burgers. All I had to do was cut up the tomato and onion! None of us care for cheeseburgers, so for the first time, I didn't have to worry about stray cheese contaminating my patty! 

Things 3 and 2
I love that my kids aren't just siblings ... they're friends
My little grandson was over yesterday, too. He was kind enough to wait until we finished eating before waking from his nap. We sat on the porch with him in his walker (his tiny little legs don't reach the ground yet, but he likes sitting up and having toys within his reach). Thing 2 stood behind him with a blanket to shield him from the sun. After months of staring out the window with awe, little W finally got to go outside. He's always happy, but he was particularly happy to be on the other side of the window.
Thing 3, W's daddy, strapped on his baby backpack and we took a short walk. When we got to the end of the street, Thing 2 put on the backpack. We have to take turns because we all want to hold him/wear him/feed him, etc. Oddly, the only thing we don't fight over is who "gets" to change his diaper! I didn't get a photo of Thing 3 "wearing" the baby, but I did get one of Thing 2.

This time next year, little W will be walking and there will be no holding him ... he'll be too busy exploring the world he had only been able to view from afar. I can't wait to take walks with him holding my hand and discovering the beauty of the world ... which means I get to rediscover the world's beauty through the eyes of a child. If you want to know the things you take for granted, go on a walk with a little one ... they will point out all the amazing things adults no longer see.

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